Engleski jezik, 8. razred OŠ - Idioms with nature words
Engleski jezik, 8. razred OŠ - Idioms with nature words
Autorica: Suzana Anić-Antić
Video: I am nature https://bit.ly/2RVvoRY
Zadatak: Liveworksheets I am nature https://bit.ly/2xNOgLQ
Zadatak: Nature vocabulary https://bit.ly/2VOoAXs
Zadatak: Choose the right meaning https://learningapps.org/10652647
Zadatak: Memory game https://learningapps.org/10653972
Zadatak: Use the correct idiom https://bit.ly/2RQlAsn
Video: Nature is speaking https://bit.ly/34XAqmn
Zadatak: Who is speaking https://learningapps.org/10800700
Quiz: What force of nature are you? https://bit.ly/34XAqmn
Poster contest https://bit.ly/3eCsV92