Engleski jezik, 1.r. SŠ - Fashion industry
Engleski jezik, 1.r. SŠ - Fashion industry
Autor: Mirnada Barac
Poveznice na dodatne sadržaje:
https://bit.ly/ECOFRQUIZ - Quiz: How eco-friendly is your wardrobe? - Google Docs
https://bit.ly/fast-fash - The Problem with Fast Fashion - YouTube video
https://bit.ly/FFmatchup - Wordwall
https://bit.ly/FFTorF - Wordwall
https://bit.ly/ffvocab - Wordwall
https://bit.ly/fash-rev - Who Made My Clothes? - YouTube video
https://bit.ly/frmissingwords - Wordwall
Godišnji izvedbeni kurikulum: https://mzo.gov.hr/vijesti/okvirni-godisnji-izvedbeni-kurikulumi-za-nastavnu-godinu-2020-2021/3929