Virtual environments and collaboration over the Internet Chair: Maja Matijasevic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb A1 (When) Will the Web Talk to You? Author: I. Pandzic, University of Linköping, Sweeden A2 Virtual People in a Computer World Authors: S Baksa; M. Skoko; I. Baksa, Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb A3 Spatial Presentation on the Internet Author: R. Vdovic, Faculty of Architecture A4 Setting up a Community of Online Communities: A case study Authors: Z. Klindzic, SB NET; J. Klindzic, SB NET; Z. Vuckovic, Pozega online; D. Giener, Osijek Online A5 Improving library and information services - building virtual library community Author: J. Stojanovski, Rudjer Boskovic Institute